
Aroma Touch

Why should I have this service?

The primary benefits of Aroma Touch are highlighted through the power of the series of DoTerra Essential oils experienced in this treatment. This method has been clinically proven to decrease cortisol levels, which aids in decreasing inflammation and to move people out of a “fight or flight” space where they reside in their hectic days. Additionally, as a personal touch (and because I can’t help it!) I infuse each session with Reiki to aid your body to up level its healing potential. The combination of personal touch, DoTerra Essential oils and Reiki yields a state of relaxation, increased immunity, decreased cortisol levels and inflammation that will leave you calm and relaxed and smelling heavenly!

What can I expect?

You will undress from the waist up and ankles down and lay face down on the massage table. A series of eight oils will be sequentially dropped and drawn across the meridians of your back and feet in a repetitive, relaxing pattern. This 45 minute service will leave you calm, energetically up-leveled and smelling heavenly!

Cost: $80